
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Inter-club Sailing at Lerwick

Number 1 son Ross was taking part in the Inter-club sailing at Lerwick today, sailing for Sandwick in the Mirror Dinghy class. He came second in both races (although his boat led for a while), but was first in class in the pursuit race (although he had switched to a Lerwick boat at that stage!). It has to be said that its difficult (if not impossible), to work out whats actually going on in these races from the shore, but somebody in charge somewhere presumably does know. Here's a few pics of the racing and the boats this afternoon - it was pretty much perfect sailing weather in Lerwick Harbour, warm with a reasonable breeze.

The Mirror Class boats, Gardie House on Bressay in background.
The larger Shetland Model Boats or Maids were also racing.
After their main race the Maids all came back into the small boat Harbour.
They went out again after an hour or so for the final 'pursuit race', when all boats compete against each other with staggered starts, depending on the speed of each class of boat.
'Big Brother' was also watching the sailing - via the recently installed Lerwick CCTV.
The races finished, the Mirror Class boats returning to the small boat harbour.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good fun. Always fancied having a go at sailing but the nearest I ever got was wind surfing years back.


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