
Monday, April 19, 2010

2010 Galley Heads from Shetland UHA's

After a great deal of effort I have finally managed to get a photo of the Galley Heads from all 10 of the UHA's. Moira Stevenson kindly supplied the Nesting Galley photo. These are just the Galley Heads but its interesting to compare them. Some of the country UHA's use two Galleys - a 'good' galley thats kept from year to year and a 'burning' galley of a much simpler design, or the galley head is removed and a simple galley head replacement is fitted - Norwick, Uyeasound, Delting and Bressay do this. Cullivoe, Northmavine, Nesting & Girlsta, Scalloway, South Mainland and Lerwick build a new Galley each year.

Lerwick - Avie Jane

Northmavine - Baresark

Cullivoe - Maisie June

South Mainland - Skidbladnir

Uyeasound - Engistou

Norwick - Farfarer

Delting - Elka

Nesting and Girlsta - Vilhjalmr

Scalloway - Hame Lea

Bressay - BryniJen


  1. I remember the peerie gallies head seemed to always go missing just before it was torched, or was that may imagination?

  2. I believe youre right shetlandpeat - that head is kept from year to year.


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